(1) The renter will only use the vehicle, subject of this contract, according to individual instructions or instructions given during the tour, other use is
prohibited. The misuse of the rented item and / or a violation of the traffic rules applicable here is the sole responsibility of the renter of the
Lease. In the case of negligent acts, the tenant refers to the present contract.
(2) Use: The renter of this contract is not permitted to transfer or lend the vehicle (object) of this contract or, in whole or in part, to third parties
sublet. BikeKing Mallorca reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time. BikeKing Mallorca assumes no responsibility towards them
Persons not named in the contract. The rental item from BikeKing Mallorca is completely checked and handed over in perfect condition. The tenant is
obliged to return the borrowed item in the same condition in which it was received. Damage caused by the tenant must be caused by him
get paid. In the event of loss or loss of the item and / or elements of it during the term of the rental agreement, the renter is the renter
BikeKing Mallorca is obliged to pay 100% of the total value immediately.
(3) Duration: This contract can be extended personally at the end if both parties agree in writing, the terms and conditions agree and
can be taken over. If there is no written extension of the contract, the tenant undertakes to use the rented item without prior request
or request from BikeKing Mallorca to return it in the same condition as received.
(4) Prices: The prices stated in the contract are to be paid after signing this contract and before handing over the item to BikeKing Mallorca.
(5) Speed ​​and Starssen: The renter has to adhere to the traffic regulations that apply here and must not exceed the maximum speed. All
Any penalties for non-compliance will be borne 100% by the renter. The items rented by BikeKing Mallorca may NOT be used on motorways (e-scooters, bicycles)
be driven. BikeKing Mallorca assumes no responsibility for the violation and / or non-compliance with this clause.
(6) With his signature, the tenant confirms that he has received the rented item in perfect and functional condition.
(7) A violation of applicable traffic regulations, accidents and / or collisions are the responsibility of the renter and he is obliged to assume the costs incurred. For all cars, fully comprehensive WITHOUT SB is included in the price. You will not incur any additional costs for collection.
(8) BikeKing Mallorca reserves the right to withdraw from the contract at any time if the renter fails to comply with the points mentioned above.

(1) El arrendatario utilizará el vehículo, objeto de este contrato, sólo después individuo o llevado a cabo durante el guía turístico, cualquier otro uso está prohibido. El abuso de
la propiedad arrendada y / o una violación de las normas de tráfico aplicables aquí bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad del inquilino del contrato de arrendamiento. En read
acciones negligentes el inquilino se basa en este contrato.
(2) Conditions: El inquilino de este contrato, no se sat el vehículo (objeto) para transferir este contrato, préstamo, o, en su totalidad o en parte, al tercer subarriendo.
“BikeKing Mallorca” is reserved at the end of the day. “BikeKing Mallorca” no asume ninguna responsabilidad hacia las personas que
no se mencionan en el contrato. The theme of the prestige “BikeKing Mallorca” is complete revisado y entregado en perfectas condiciones. El arrendatario
this obligado a dar el objeto prestado en el mismo estado en que se reciba de nuevo a él. Los daños a los de la causada por el inquilino. In case of pérdida or extravío del
Artículo y / o elementos de este during the duration of the arrendamiento, the inquilino opuesto de la BikeKing Mallorca se compromete a 100% del valor total a pagar
(3) Duración: Este contrato podrá ser renovado en persona al final, si ambas partes están de acuerdo por escrito para que coincida con los términos y condiciones y pueden ser
aceptadas. Si no hay ninguna extensión por escrito del contrato, el inquilino se compromete a devolver el objeto alquilado sin solicitud o demanda previa de “BikeKing
Mallorca “en la misma condición según lo recibido.
(4) Precios: Los precios especificados en el contrato deben ser pagados después de firmar este contrato y antes de la entrega de éste a “BikeKing Mallorca”.
(5) Las velocidades y Starssen: El inquilino tiene que atenerse a las reglas aquí las normas de tráfico y no debe exceder la tasa máxima de alojamiento. Todas las sanciones
aplicables en caso de incumplimie

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